Amsn version SVN paquete deb para ubuntu

Hola aca dejo el paquete svn que me arme para mi gutsy con tcl 8.5 tk 8.5 con antialias  muchos plugins skins y demas

ademas hay que actualizarse por que hubo un cambio en el protocolo msn que no permite conectarse a la red msn

tienen que reemplazar los siguientes links

sergio@sergio-laptop:/etc/alternatives$ ls -l|grep 8.5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  17 2008-08-05 22:26 tclsh -> /usr/bin/tclsh8.5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  16 2008-08-05 22:32 wish -> /usr/bin/wish8.5

y bueno en /usr/bin tcl8.5 a tcl tk8.5 a tk

y wish8.5 a wish

ah y apt-get install tcl8.5 tk8.5 tcltls

aca el paquete propiamente

Equivalencias Debian RedHat Paquetes

Tabla de equivalencias, je util si tenes que interactuar con Red Hat y no tenes idea de ciertas cosas

Debian Red Hat Description
dpkg -Gi package(s).deb rpm -Uvh packages(s).rpm install/upgrade package file(s)
dpkg -r package rpm -e package remove package
dpkg -l ‘*spell*’ rpm -qa ‘*spell*’ show all packages whose names contain the word spell
dpkg -l package rpm -q package show version of package installed
dpkg -s package rpm -q -i package show all package metadata
dpkg -I package.deb rpm -q -i -p package.rpm show all package file’s metadata
dpkg -S /path/file rpm -q -f /path/file what package does file belong
dpkg -L package rpm -q -l package list where files were installed
dpkg -c package.deb rpm -q -l -p package.rpm list where files would be installed
dpkg -x package.deb rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -id extract package files to current directory
dpkg -s package | grep ^Depends: rpm -q –requires package list files/packages that package needs
dpkg –purge –dry-run package rpm -q –whatrequires package list packages that need package (see also whatrequires)
Debian Red Hat Description
apt-get dist-upgrade yum update [package list] upgrade specified packages (or all installed packages if none specified)
apt-get install <package list> yum install <package list> install latest version of package(s)
apt-get remove <package list> yum remove <package list> remove specified packages from system
apt-cache list [package list] yum list [package list] list available packages from repositories

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