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notas:bases_de_datos [2010/09/24 18:22] cayunotas:bases_de_datos [2011/07/04 13:37] – [Oracle XE issues] cayu
Línea 201: Línea 201:
-==== Importar CSV ==== +==== Importar/Exportar CSV ==== 
-Ejemplo :+Importacion :
 <code sql> <code sql>
 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'usuarios.csv' LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'usuarios.csv'
Línea 211: Línea 211:
 (nombre, pass, usuario); (nombre, pass, usuario);
 </code> </code>
 +Exportacion :
 +<code sql>
 +SELECT * FROM usuarios ORDER BY date DESC
 +INTO OUTFILE "usuarios.csv"
 +===== Oracle =====
 +==== Oracle XE issues ====
 +Oracle xe must be the buggiest free counterpart of a commercial product ever released.Here's a list of issues and solutions encountered on Ubuntu 10.04 so far.Few config tips first.
 +  * I don't set up it to be started upon boot (don't want this bag of bugs eat my memory)
 +  * change the default apex port from 8080 to smth else
 +  * use 8+ characters for sys/system password
 +  * check status of the DB: $ sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe status
 +  * start the DB - I use restart just to be sure: $ sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe restart
 +Q: After installing and sourcing /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/oracle_env.sh I was getting /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/nls_lang.sh: 114: %%[[%%: not found each time starting a shell
 +A: Change the nls_lang.sh to use your shell %%(/%%bin/bash) instead of /bin/sh on top of the script.
 +Q: after installing oracle xe I cannot login to apex (oracle web admin) under sys or system. It won't accept my login/password. Keeps saying access denied although I'm sure the password is correct (the one used during /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure)
 +A: Use a longer password! It won't complain but seems like it doesn't like short passwords. Use at least 8 chars.Q:After some time your oracle connected application runs into
 +> ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found
 +A: Run the following statement from sqlplus or web admin (you should have it accessible due to above tips)
 +Found [[http://en.newinstance.it/2007/06/01/ora-12519-tnsno-appropriate-service-handler-found/|here]]
 +Q: How to remove oracle user from ubuntu desktop login screen.
 +A: Change the oracle's UID to smth below 1000.
 +$ sudo usermod --gid 999 oracle
 +After that change the ownership of the files in /var/tmp/.
 +oracle$ sudo chown -R oracle:dba /var/tmp/.oracle/
 +or you won't be able to start the DB anymore :)
 +Q: Cannot open Oracle web interface, Page cannot be displayed. Used to work before, and the DB is working.
 +A: Might happen especially if you selected to start the DB manually rather than on each boot. The symptoms might be a bit different, the DB might be started or might be not. Some services just fail to start.
 +Try restart : 
 +$ sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe restart or $ sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe force-reload
 +Fuente: http://ubuntu-answers.blogspot.com/2010/10/oracle-xe-issues.html
notas/bases_de_datos.txt · Última modificación: 2013/09/13 14:21 por cayu